[영한기사] 세계최대의 개고기 시장 베트남, 매년 20만마리의 개

[영한기사] 세계최대의 개고기 시장 베트남, 매년 20만마리의 개

Posted by 기자([email protected]) on in

At a dog slaughter house they are kept in cages before being beaten to death. Then their thoats cut, dunked in boiling water and finally smoked on fires of straw. To the Vietnamese people this is perfectly normal. Every year an estimated 200,000 dogs are illegally smuggled across the River Mekong, from Thailand in to Laos, where they are driven by truck to Vietnam. Stuffed in to tiny crude metal cages they are then taken up to the slaughter houses and dog meat restaurants of Hanoi, Vietnam’s capital. A dog bought in Thailand for as little as US$7 can then be sold for up to US$100 in Vietnam making it a very profitable trade for the mafia gangs that control it. NGO’s and officials in Thailand Northeast are fighting hard to stop the trade and in 2013 alone have saved thousands of dogs from being smuggled across the border to Laos.

At a dog slaughter house they are kept in cages before being beaten to death. Then their thoats cut, dunked in boiling water and finally smoked on fires of straw. To the Vietnamese people this is perfectly normal. Every year an estimated 200,000 dogs are illegally smuggled across the River Mekong, from Thailand in to Laos, where they are driven by truck to Vietnam. Stuffed in to tiny crude metal cages they are then taken up to the slaughter houses and dog meat restaurants of Hanoi, Vietnam's capital. A dog bought in Thailand for as little as US$7 can then be sold for up to US$100 in Vietnam making it a very profitable trade for the mafia gangs that control it. NGO's and officials in Thailand Northeast are fighting hard to stop the trade and in 2013 alone have saved thousands of dogs from being smuggled across the border to Laos.


베트남에서 개를 먹는 행위는 합법이다. 베트남 개고기 최대의 수출국은 라오스, 태국과 같은 국가들이다. 베트남 사람들은 개고기를 즐겨 먹는다고 한다. 겨울만 되면 대부분 음식점은 개고기 간판을 걸어둔다. 즉 거의 모든 음식에 개고기를 추가해서 판매한다.

A collaboration between NGO agents and the Mekong River Navy led to a bust of this pickup containing 130 dogs just as it was about to load them on to a boat. The smugglers fled and escaped arrest. Every year an estimated 200,000 dogs are illegally smuggled across the River Mekong, from Thailand in to Laos, where they are driven by truck to Vietnam. Stuffed in to tiny crude metal cages they are then taken up to the slaughter houses and dog meat restaurants of Hanoi, Vietnam's capital. A dog bought in Thailand for as little as US$7 can then be sold for up to US$100 in Vietnam making it a very profitable trade for the mafia gangs that control it. NGO's and officials in Thailand Northeast are fighting hard to stop the trade and in 2013 alone have saved thousands of dogs from being smuggled across the border to Laos.

잡힌 개들

사진은 태국의 한 비정부조직에서 확보한 130마리의 개가 들어있는 짐차다. 여기의 130마리는 베트남으로 운송될 예정이였다고 한다. 개들은 아주 작은 철망에 갇혀있다.

Rescued during a recent bust on a collection centre that was about to send over 700 dogs to Laos, the dogs are now unloaded at the Government dog shelter at Nakhon Phanom. Every year an estimated 200,000 dogs are illegally smuggled across the River Mekong, from Thailand in to Laos, where they are driven by truck to Vietnam. Stuffed in to tiny crude metal cages they are then taken up to the slaughter houses and dog meat restaurants of Hanoi, Vietnam's capital. A dog bought in Thailand for as little as US$7 can then be sold for up to US$100 in Vietnam making it a very profitable trade for the mafia gangs that control it. NGO's and officials in Thailand Northeast are fighting hard to stop the trade and in 2013 alone have saved thousands of dogs from being smuggled across the border to Laos.

떨고 있는 개

풀려난 개들은 수용소로 옮겨가는 대부분 무서워서 벌벌 떤다고 한다.

On the Thai side of the River Mekong children play with their pet dogs. Every year an estimated 200,000 dogs are illegally smuggled across the River Mekong, from Thailand in to Laos, where they are driven by truck to Vietnam. Stuffed in to tiny crude metal cages they are then taken up to the slaughter houses and dog meat restaurants of Hanoi, Vietnam's capital. A dog bought in Thailand for as little as US$7 can then be sold for up to US$100 in Vietnam making it a very profitable trade for the mafia gangs that control it. NGO's and officials in Thailand Northeast are fighting hard to stop the trade and in 2013 alone have saved thousands of dogs from being smuggled across the border to Laos.


태국에서 애완견으로서 살아가는 개는 제일 좋은 대우를 받는 것이다.

Rescued during a recent bust on a collection centre that was about to send over 700 dogs to Laos, the dogs are now unloaded at the Government dog shelter at Nakhon Phanom. Every year an estimated 200,000 dogs are illegally smuggled across the River Mekong, from Thailand in to Laos, where they are driven by truck to Vietnam. Stuffed in to tiny crude metal cages they are then taken up to the slaughter houses and dog meat restaurants of Hanoi, Vietnam's capital. A dog bought in Thailand for as little as US$7 can then be sold for up to US$100 in Vietnam making it a very profitable trade for the mafia gangs that control it. NGO's and officials in Thailand Northeast are fighting hard to stop the trade and in 2013 alone have saved thousands of dogs from being smuggled across the border to Laos.


이곳은 수용중심의 개들이다. 조건이 한정되어 있음으로 좋은 보살핌은 받기 힘들다.

죽은 개들

죽은 개들

비정부조직과 해군은 700마리의 운송되고 있는 개를 구했다. 그들은 모두 수용중심으로 이동될 예정이다. 부분의 개들은 수일간 음식을 먹지 못한탓에 수용중심으로 가는 도중 사망했다.

At a dog slaughter house they are kept in cages before being beaten to death. Then their thoats cut, dunked in boiling water and finally smoked on fires of straw. To the Vietnamese people this is perfectly normal. Every year an estimated 200,000 dogs are illegally smuggled across the River Mekong, from Thailand in to Laos, where they are driven by truck to Vietnam. Stuffed in to tiny crude metal cages they are then taken up to the slaughter houses and dog meat restaurants of Hanoi, Vietnam's capital. A dog bought in Thailand for as little as US$7 can then be sold for up to US$100 in Vietnam making it a very profitable trade for the mafia gangs that control it. NGO's and officials in Thailand Northeast are fighting hard to stop the trade and in 2013 alone have saved thousands of dogs from being smuggled across the border to Laos.


도살장에 있는 개다. 그들은 몽둥이에 맞아 죽은 채로 털이 뽑힌 후 사람의 입으로 들어간다.

잡는 장면

잡는 장면

사진은 도살공이 나무 몽둥이로 개를 죽이는 장면이다. 개는 너무 무서운 표정으로 도살공을 바라보고 있다. 태국으로 수출되는 개는 평균 7달러다. 베트남으로 밀수되면 20kg에 100달러 이상을 벌 수 있다고 한다. 이 금액은 베트남인들의 평균 월급이다.



열로 구운 개는 도살장 내에서 판매된다. 경제의 발전에 따라 베트남 사람들도 비싼 종의 개를 애완동물로 키우고 있다. 하지만 개를 키우는 행위와 개를 먹는 행위는 모순이 되지 않는다. 그들은 자신의 품속의 개는 좋아하면서 접시 속의 개고기를 즐긴다.

Men drink alcohol and eat dog meat at a dog meat restaurant.

Men drink alcohol and eat dog meat at a dog meat restaurant.

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